What is Service of Process?

What is Service of Process?

Service of process is a United States legal procedure that requires each party to a lawsuit (Defendant or person whom the action is targeting), that they should be appropriately notified of an initial legal action to another party, court, or administrative body in an effort to exercise jurisdiction. Service of process is necessary for many reasons, but the primary reason is to make sure that the "due process" of law is upheld in the United States. Process serving laws and codes for civil procedure vary from state to state. Typically people (parties to the action) are notified of actions against them or court procedures involving them through delivery of legal documents, including but not limited to; Summons, Complaints, Subpoenas, Order to Show Cause, Writs of Execution, Unlawful Detainer, Notice of Hearing and Temporary Restraining Order. If you are the Plaintiff in a lawsuit, it would be to your advantage to make sure that proper legal "due process" is achieved in the notification process of your matter. The best way to assure that is if a registered or licensed professional is contracted to complete the notification such as a Registered Process Server. There are other legal means in which to accomplish your legal notification such as a Sheriff or anyone over the age of 18 who is not a party to the action, however, nobody is more knowledgeable or more motivated to effect proper legal notification as quickly as possible, than a Registered Process Server

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